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Recent Sermons From Relevant Church Searcy

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The Journey to Bethlehem: Joseph the Tekton

Pastor Nathan continues the series titled, "The Journey to Bethlehem, be discussing Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. 12/10/23

The Journey to Bethlehem: The Assignment

Pastor Nathan begins a series titled, "The Journey to Bethlehem" 12/5/23

Pastor Nathan asks the question, "Do you have a hardened heart?" and discusses how we can avoid one as we walk through this life. 11/26/23

Kingdom Living

Hear Elijah Bundy give an inspiring message about Kingdom Living. 11/12/23

You may be on the verge of giving up. throwing in the towel, and turning your back on Jesus. If so, you must ask yourself the question, "To Whom Shall We Go?" 11/5/23

Pastor Nathan talks about the importance of being a laborer in God's end time harvest. 10/29/23

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan talks about the seed of the Word of God planted in our lives, and what must take place for the seeds to reach maturity. 10/22/23

When Good Things Don't Seem so Good

Pastor Nathan shows that no matter what our situation, God is still in control, and will work it out for our good.  10/15/23

Pastor Nathan speaks about the power of agreement and how it has the ability to open doors that God has placed in our lives.  10/3/23

Savannah Spencer shares an inspiring message entitled, "In the Garden". In it, she shares how we can maintain intimacy with God while living in a overcomplicated world.  9/24/23

Bringing the Ark Back Home

Pastor Nathan Mays shares a message on how to keep the presence of God within our homes and our families.  9/17/23

Pastor Nathan explains what it means to be a giving Christian.  9/15/23

Pastor Nathan continues the series on Dismantling the Strongholds of Religion teaching us what true relationship with Jesus looks like.

Jason Watson shares how Paul encourages us in Romans to really love one another. This is a message to the church on how to relate to others.

Pastor Nathan begins a 2 part series entiltled Dismantling the Strongholds of Religion.

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